My Most Fuel Efficient Transportation


That’s right friends, the bicycle is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to leading a frugal lifestyle.  I’ve celebrated some of my automotive triumphs and fuel efficiency improvements but they all pale in comparison to the venerable bicycle.


At this point I’m sure you all are ready to punch me in the face.  The bicycle has been done to point of cliche on frugal blogs.  Rather than try to upstage my fellow frugal writers, I’d simply like to reiterate a few of the bikes many positive points and then add a twist that I have not yet read elsewhere, though it certainly could have been covered.

First, and foremost, the bicycle requires no fossil fuels, just good old fashioned muscle and effort.  Riding your bike to work and for errands is a great way to save money by reducing the amounts of gas that you pay for, even though gas is much less expensive than a few years ago it still adds up fast.  ***Additional Bonus you are also cutting your contribution to our ridiculous gas taxes***  Check your last bank statement and add up your fuel costs to see what I mean.  Second, in-town miles are very hard on vehicles.  The stop and go traffic puts lots of strain on the engine and transmission as well as other systems of your vehicle potentially.  These are “bad miles” as opposed to “good miles” that can be gotten by driving on the highway.  These bad miles necessitate more vehicle maintenance in the forms of oil changes, transmission fluid changes, tire changes, etc.  They also increase the likely hood (as do all miles) that your vehicle will need to be repaired at some point in the future costing most likely at least $100 dollars and up to several thousand.

Less gas consumption, fewer vehicle repairs and maintenance, and producing fewer carbon emissions are the obvious benefits to riding your bike more often.  There are a plethora of other benefits.  Let’s talk about our health for a while.  Wish you were skinnier?  Ride your bike.  Tired of being out of breath after walking up a flight of stairs?  Ride your bike.  Ride your bike!

Guess what?  Riding your bike will save you money on clothes too!  Now it’s time for me to be a bit of a jerk (something I find happens quite frequently).  I’m within spitting distance of turning 30 years old and I can still wear most all of my clothes from high school.  If I don’t fit into them its likely that I’m now taller rather than fatter.  I’d like to say I’m not a mean and vengeful person but high school was not a great time in my life and I relish in the fact that many of my classmates are now what I like to call fatty fat fats.  Because I could care less about fashion I still wear many of my clothes from 10+ years ago.  Not only are the savings significant but I also take great pride that I haven’t “let myself go,” also I’m bald and graying, turning fat would be my third strike and I’m hoping not to die alone.

Now for the twist.  Unless you are already living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, you probably live in a decent area of town like I do.  However, I am shocked and saddened to say that people are disgusting creatures and litter all over the place.  As I ride my bike to work and to run errands, I see tons of garbage that can be picked up, better yet I see tons of aluminum cans that can be recycled for money.  Obviously, most of us are busy people and recycling aluminum cans is not the fastest way to wealth and fortune but consider this.  1) This is quite literally found money, much like picking a penny up off the street.  I’m blown away by the amount of people who will walk right past change on the ground, I find it extremely disrespectful to our money.  While I don’t think of currency and aluminum cans in the same way, the point remains that it is still found money.  2) Recycling aluminum cans in your neighborhood and place of work can possibly have more of a social and economic impact than you might imagine.

Enter Broken Windows Theory.  Being the social scientist that I am, I’m a believer in this theory or it at least provides a rationale for the crazy guy (me) who picks up aluminum cans while riding said bike.  For individuals who are interested in investing, you can look at picking up aluminum cans as a dividend for riding your bike.  Not only are you saving money, not emitting green house gasses, getting in better shape, saving money on clothes, but now you are making money!  To cap it all off, you are now a do-gooder who is helping to stop deterioration of your immediate neighborhood and the surrounding community.  This has the possibility of maintaining your household value or possibly bringing about an increase.  Plus its just a damn good thing to do.  Recycling makes you money and helps save the planet!  Hop on that bike and enjoy the many other benefits it provides as you pedal your way to early retirement!

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